Robotic Hair Surgery


Are you looking for a way to get fuller, more vibrant hair?

Then, you have come to the right place. Robotic hair surgery can be the perfect opportunity for you.

Through the collaboration of skilled surgeons and robotic systems, Robotic Hair Surgery aims to  provide natural-looking and lasting results for hair transplantation.

This method begins by scanning the scalp to identify suitable donor hair follicles. The robotic arm then extracts these follicles with precision, using tiny punches. It creates recipient sites according to a predetermined plan, and the harvested follicles are meticulously placed into these sites.


Robotic systems ensure accurate extraction and placement of hair follicles, it definitely minimizes human error. It provides less visible scarring and a quicker recovery. The careful approach results in hair that blends seamlessly with existing hair.

There are also some potential risks like any other methods. Infections and poor wound healing are possible, but these are minimized with proper aftercare and medical guidance.

In the healing process, you may experience redness, scabbing, and mild swelling in the treated area. Transplanted hair may shed within a few weeks, which is a normal phase before new growth begins. Robotic Hair Surgery combines technology and skilled hands for successful hair restoration. Following post-operative instructions ensures a smooth healing journey.

In conclusion, there is an alternative way to regain your full hair appearance. Robotic Hair Surgery represents the fusion of human and technological progress. As we move ahead, this method continues to develop and helps hair restoration by offering precision and natural results. Your first step is choosing the right place for your treatment.

As MedClinics, we are here to find the most suitable hair transplant clinics for you. You can contact us 24/7. We'll look forward to your call.


How does robotic hair transplant work?

Robotic hair transplant works by using advanced technology, like the ARTAS system, to precisely identify and extract individual hair follicles from the donor area of the scalp. These follicles are then meticulously transplanted into the recipient area to create natural-looking hair restoration.  

How much does robotic hair transplant cost in Turkey?

 Robotic hair transplant cost in Turkey can differ from €2,000 to €5,000 or more. It is a relatively expensive method for hair transplantation.

Is robotic hair transplant better?

It may be said that robotic hair transplantation is better. It can provide precise and consistent results. 

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